Famed Social Media Influencer Leigh McNasty refuses to cave into the pressure from some of his followers who don’t support his love of hunting big white-tailed bucks.

Famed Social Media Influencer Leigh McNasty refuses to cave into the pressure from some of his followers who don’t support his love of hunting big white-tailed bucks.
Hook and Barrel founder John Radzwilla tells Dan Schmidt how he went from working in the fashion industry to getting hooked on the outdoor lifestyle.
The new year brings renewed optimism and energy as people refocus on their goals and dreams for the future. Anti-trapping and anti-hunting groups are no different, and they have started out 2022 with a jump.
The doom-and-gloom, end-of-times headlines for hunting in America are everywhere! And all for absolutely ridiculous, nonsensical reasons as far as Iām concerned.
Why has the MotorCity Madman bothered with writing about hunting for all of these years? Well, allow me to elaborate right here at my deeranddeerhunting.com BloodBrother family electro-campfire.
Deer hunting is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Lately though, there’s so much bickering, bashing, judging and negativity between deer hunters ā especially on social media ā that it’s driving people away from the outdoor lifestyle. That needs to change.
Dan Richards, the embattled president of the California Game and Fish Commission, was ousted Wednesday by the board during a vote in its meeting in Ventura. UPDATE: Check out the opinion column from San Diego Union-Tribune outdoors writer Ed Zieralski, who has covered this story from the start. A photo of Richards with a mountain […]