We’ve conducted many memorable giveaways here at Deer & Deer Hunting over the years, but our new 10 Reezens to Win Sweepstakes, which officially kicks off with this issue, is certainly our biggest and best to date.
This isn’t to say our past sweepstakes weren’t fantastic. After all, we’ve given away ATVs, bows, camouflage clothing, rifles, muzzleloaders and some of the best deer hunting trips money can buy.
All of the winners certainly appreciated the gifts, but their one “complaint” (tongue planted firmly in cheek) was that thier good fortune was often met with, well, let’s just say a tad bit of jealously among their hunting buddies.
That’s where this event will be different. Just by entering this sweepstakes, you will be able to share the bounty with as many as nine of your hunting partners!
The grand-prize winner will receive a Fall 2010 bow-hunt for trophy whitetails with Sugar Creek Outfitters in west-central Illinois, a Mathews Reezen Solocam bow, a pair of Nikon Monarch X binoculars and a Heater Body Suit — a total package worth more than $4,300.
It gets even better. Up to nine firstplace prizes — Mathews Reezen Solocam bows — will be awarded to the individuals listed on the grand-prize winner’s “deer camp” entry form. Each entry form allows up to a total of 10 participants.
Long story short: If you’re listed on a winning ticket, you are guaranteed to at least win the fastest and most efficient single-cam bow ever built. You’ll also get to choose the bow that fits your shooting style: the Mathews Reezen 6.5 (shorter brace height) with an IBO rating of 340 feet per second, or the Reezen 7.0,with a 335 fps rating.
Both models weigh in at about 4.1 pounds and are available in draw weights from 40 to 70 pounds.
As for the grand-prize hunt, Sugar Creek Outfitters encompasses a unique set of properties in Schuyler County — one of Illinois’ premier counties for hunting trophy bucks. The land includes 3,000 acres of rolling hardwood ridges and agricultural fields of corn, soybean, alfalfa, winter wheat and specialty food plots.
Each of these farms offers something unique but have something in common: the chance to kill the buck of a lifetime. To enter the sweepstakes, click here today and sign up your hunting party as a new team.
It’s that simple! If anyone on your team wins, you all win. And, as the team leader, you will win the grand prize.
Good luck!