Ohio: Land of the Giants

Mike Rex Buck, courtesy of the Buckeye Big Buck Club

by Daniel E. Schmidt, D&DH Editor

Last weekend’s Ohio Deer & Turkey Expo in Columbus was a real eye-opener … in more
ways than one. After seeing the hundreds of trophies on display, I could not help
but wonder out loud if there really is a better state in the nation for trophy bucks
— my home state of Wisconsin included.

Even if you are not a Ohio resident, you owe it to yourself to check out what this
state has to offer. I’ve never hunted there yet, but it is definitely on my bucket
list now. To get a feel for what I’m talking about, check out the Buckeye Big Buck
Club’s website. Warning: Only check this out if you have some time on your hands! MONSTER

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1 thought on “Ohio: Land of the Giants

  1. I’d lived in Ohio all my life and yes big deer do live here. But with that being said most hunters that come here don’t realize that Ohio is full of small woodlots where big bucks live. A hunt that can be ruined in a heartbeat by trespassers, neighbors, or whatever else it may be. If your looking for a non-frustrating hunt where you’ll never see another person…look to Kansas. Land of the giants and I guarantee you won’t see another person for days. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had spots ruined from trespassing kids, gun hunters driving the land, or people trying to push deer to a neighboring property while bow hunting. It’s very annoying and can be such a frustrating state to hunt. Posted by: Dave

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