California Gives Away Extra Deer Tags

By Chris Berens, D&DH Intern
California Department of Fish and Game
Some California hunters have received a bit of extra mail after an error in the Automated License Data System sent out 1,000 duplicate tags, a California Department of Fish and Game news release said. The glitch in the ALDS was discovered after deer hunting tags were sent earlier this month to hunters that participated in the big-game draw. Active Network Inc., the company responsible for the ALDS, is working with the DFG to correct the error and prevent it from happening in the future.

The DFG has a list of all the hunters that were sent a duplicate license and is mailing each a letter explaining the situation, as well as an addressed and postage paid envelope to return the duplicate tag. According to the department, use of a duplicate tag is illegal and anyone attempting it will be punished to the full extent of the law.

This has been the only major glitch since the state contracted with Active Network Inc. to run the ALDS in 2010, and a recent survey showed that most users had been satisfied with its operation. The company is responsible for 50 percent of all recreational license sales in the U.S., and has suffered some other major glitches including a brief failure of the Pennsylvania system this past July.

California has one of the widest variety of deer species, and some of the most diverse habitat of any state in the country. It can be a great option for those seeking an exciting western deer hunting experience.

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