Deerland: America’s Hunt for Ecological Balance and the Essence of Wildness, by Al Cambronne, presents an important and timely look at America’s conflicted relationship with whitetail deer.
Behind the unassuming grace and majesty of America’s whitetail deer is the laundry list of human health, social, and ecological problems they cause. They destroy farm crops and vegetable gardens, devour suburban landscaping, ravage entire ecosystems, endanger motorists, and spread Lyme disease all across the United States.
In DEERLAND, Cambronne ventures afield with botanists, ecologists, frustrated farmers and foresters, overworked body-shop owners, camo-clad hunters, and humble deer enthusiasts. Along the way, he gives readers an insider’s tour of America’s deer-industrial complex—and makes a convincing case that yes, there really is such a thing. Cambronne examines our history with whitetails, pinpoints where our ecological problems began, and asks tough questions about what it will take to restore the balance we’ve disrupted.
With more than 30 million deer in the U.S., a hundred times more than just a century ago, DEERLAND is a timely and insightful look at the ecological havoc being wreaked by this species. Whether you’re a hunter or a gardener, and whether you care about the environment, the deer in your back yard, or the shrubbery they just ate, DEERLAND is an eye-opening read that will change the way you think about deer and the landscape we share with them.
Cambronne is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in magazines including Deer & Deer Hunting, Canoe & Kayak, Cooking Wild, Meatpaper, and Sierra. He is the co-author of Deer & Deer Hunting’s popular cookbook “Gut It, Cut It, Cook It.” He lives with his wife in northern Wisconsin.
Visit his site at
The release date is April 2, but to pre-order Deerland:
Amazon: click here
Barnes & Noble: click here