Four 200-Inch Bucks!

Deer & Deer Hunting readers might remember Steve Esker. We have featured him in the magazine, and he is becoming a regular household name among antler geeks.

Well, he’s done it again. Esker shot his fourth 200-inch buck.

We got this email from an obviously overjoyed Esker:

Hey everybody, dreams really do happen!

I shot my fourth 200-inch whitetail this evening. He gross scores 203 1/8 and nets 201 1/8 nontypical. He has 18 scoreable points. I shot him with my CamX Crossbow at 24 yards.

Its been a really good season so far. Last Friday, I shot a 265-pound black bear in the UP of Michigan, and last month I shot a 9-foot Alligator in South Carolina — all with my CamX Chaos 325.

Hope you enjoy the pics and have as  good of a hunting season as I am.

Now to get a giant Mule Deer next month in Saskatchewan!

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1 thought on “Four 200-Inch Bucks!

  1. My only question is where he killed those 200 class buck, if you have enough $$ you can kill anything. I hate to play the public land card, but that is what most of us have to hunt. If they were killed on public or private land not owned by an outfitter, then I’m impressed.

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