Hunters Asked to Help With Manhunt for New York Escapees

Escapee mugshots
According to this New York State Police rendering, this is what they believe what David Sweat and Richard Matt might look like after more than 10 days on the run.

Law enforcement officials in New York are asking hunters with game cameras in operation to report any suspicious images found on their cameras as the manhunt continues for two escaped killers.

Richard Matt and David Sweat escaped from the maximum security Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora on June 6. Their elaborate plan included cutting through metal walls in their cell and a steam pipe, and escaping through a manhole outside of the facility. They’ve been on the loose since then and authorities have no idea which way they went or where they are.

With millions of acres of the Adirondack Mountains, rugged terrain, swamps, the Canada border not far from the facility and the two escapees with a half-day head start, law enforcement officials are asking for any possible help from all angles.

“We’re asking them to review video from wildlife or trail cameras to see if they see anything suspicious,” State Police Maj. Charles Guess said at a press conference at the prison.

Hunters sometimes have game cameras out and in operation year-round. Others remove them in spring and early summer, though, before putting them back out prior to the opening of hunting season.

“If I was able to get some pictures and help state police get these guys, that would be great,” avid outdoorsman Jason Langdon, 38, told Friday. “I think a lot of people feel that way because this has been so unsettling.”

Langdon, a former Navy police officer, lives between Dannemora and Dickinson Center, the hamlet that is home to prison supervisor Joyce Mitchell, the woman accused of helping Matt and Sweat escape.

He has kept his trail cams on unlike some of his fellow hunters who generally wait until the fall hunting season begins to do so.

State police said Friday they have searched 600 miles of trails leading out of Dannemora, but Langdon said the wooded area is so vast, searchers still have a lot of work to do.

Read the full story here.


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