As a longtime supporter of NASP®, the Pope & Young Club is glad to continue its support of this outstanding program. The youth that participate in NASP® learn, among several things, how to focus, have patience and the total experience provides a path towards success. The NASP® motto, “Changing Lives One Arrow at a Time,” is much more than just a saying.
“The Pope & Young Club has been an important sponsor of the National Archery in the Schools Program since the program’s beginning, more than seventeen years ago,” said Roy Grimes, President of NASP®. “We here at NASP® are grateful that the Pope & Young Club understands and supports the purpose of NASP® to reach and teach millions of students who might never have experienced archery. I’m sure the Club shares our enthusiasm for the thousands of NASP® graduates who have taken to the sport of target archery and bowhunting as a result of their learning archery skills through National Archery In Schools Program.”
The Pope and Young Club is a non-profit North American conservation and bowhunting organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of bowhunting by striving to increase awareness and appreciation of bowhunting foundations, principles and values. The Pope and Young Club is focused on Fair Chase hunting ethics that support the ethical pursuit of free-ranging, wild game animals without unfair advantage while promoting the conservation of both habitat and wildlife. The Club also maintains the universally recognized repository of records and statistics on North American big game animals harvested with a bow and arrow.
Contact the Pope & Young Club office at:
- or P.O. Box 548, Chatfield, MN 55923, Ph: 507.867.4144
- Media contact Rick Mowery at, Ph: 989.884.3800
Contact National Archery in Schools Program at:
- National Archery in the Schools Program, Inc. W4285 Lake Drive Waldo, WI 53093
Phone: 920-523-6040
Fax: 920-523-6042