Printing Error Results in Extra Deer Hunting Permits

Several thousand nonresident hunters who successfully drew Kansas deer permits from the April drawing received a surprise mailing in early June. Due to a printing error at a fulfillment service contracted to print and mail permits to the 21,225 successful applicants, nearly 3,260 hunters received duplicate mailings.

KS PermitA successful applicant should have received only one mailing with one set of permits, which included an either-sex permit and carcass tag and a whitetail antlerless-only permit and carcass tag. Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) officials want to remind hunters that the law only allows them to have one permit that allows the harvest of an antlered deer, so only one set of the permits they received is valid. Duplicate permits may not be used or transferred to another hunter.

Hunters who received duplicate permits and carcass tags are asked to return duplicate sets to the KDWPT Licensing Section, 512 SE 25th Ave., Pratt, KS 67124. Department staff are working with the contractor to identify issues that led to the error and to ensure that all successful applicants received the correct permit, and that those who received duplicate permits are notified.

All applicants who were unsuccessful in the drawing should have received their refunds, and all successful applicants should have received their set of permits by now. Hunters can see their status in the draw at and clicking on the “Nonresident Deer Permit Draw Results” button on the left-hand edge of the homepage. If you have questions, please contact Mike Miller at 620-672-0765 or Ron Kaufman at 785-296-2870.


Maximize Your Deer Season Planning

2016 DDH Whitetail Wall CalendarFrom Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the 2016 Whitetails Wall Calendarfeatures the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2016 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

Get your calendars today for home, work and deer camp!

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