Public Hearings to Reveal Deer Season Totals, Plans

Hunters, landowners and anyone else interested in Vermont’s deer and moose herds should plan on attending one of three public hearings.

VermontThe meetings are scheduled for March 25 in Springfield, March 26 in Orleans and March 27 in Middlebury. Two more hearings will be held in central and southwestern Vermont in May.

The hearings will include results of Vermont’s 2013 deer and moose seasons and prospects for deer and moose hunting next fall as well as an opportunity for hunters to provide their observations and opinions about the current status of the deer herd. The department will also provide an update on the progress with its comprehensive deer management review which is scheduled for completion next October.

Recommendations for any changes in hunting regulations will then be given to the Fish and Wildlife Board. Attendees will also be able to comment on the proposed 2014 moose hunting season regulation.

Members of the public unable to attend one of the hearings in person may watch a live stream of the March 27th meeting at

Hunters are invited to attend one of the following public hearings, held from 7-9 p.m.

March 25, Springfield — Riverside Junior High School Cafeteria, 13 Fairground Road, Springfield March 26, Orleans — Lake Region Union High School Cafeteria, 317 Lake Region Rd, Barton March 27, Middlebury — Middlebury Union High School Cafeteria, 73 Charles Avenue, Middlebury

Anyone interested in learning more about Vermont’s comprehensive deer management review process and the regional working groups should visit the department’s website

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