Indiana DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife biologists are partnering with Ball State University biologists to determine how white-tailed deer fawns move in urban areas compared to rural areas.
The study kicked off this spring with more than 30 fawns being collared with lightweight radio transmitters to track their movement. The collars are not easily seen and will not make it easier for predators to spot the deer in the wild.
The project will last two years and the data collected will be used to help with statewide management of white-tailed deer. The data will also provide insight into the differences in the lives of urban and rural fawns.
As deer populations increase in urban areas such as Bloomington, more deer and human conflicts arise, including deer-vehicle accidents and deer eating landscaping and gardens. This study will research the types of urban locations deer frequent or may even prefer. Researchers are also collecting deer hair and saliva to determine stress levels of the fawns in both areas.
More fawns are needed for this research in rural Monroe County or western Brown County. If you live in these areas and see a fawn, contact the Ball State University research team at (812) 822-33098 or
The project will continue next spring, with additional fawns being tracked.