Venison Shines for ‘Top Chef’

Fans of cable TV’s acclaimed series “Top Chef” watched last night as Hosea Rosenberg
topped Carla Hall and Stefan Richter to take home $100,000 and title of Top Chef.

After 13 weeks of competitions and eliminations, Rosenberg, executive chef of Jax
Fish House in Boulder, capped his final challenge on the Bravo series with a venison
dish that wowed 12 of the country’s most esteemed chefs.

While Hall and Richter closed their meals with a desert, Rosenberg chose pan-roasted venison with
chestnut and celery root puree, wild mushrooms, and carbonated blackberries
his final course. Click
here for the recipe.

The judges agreed with Rosenberg’s choice, crowning the 35-year-old Top Chef.

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