Woman Attacked by Deer That Followed Her Home

A woman, 77, was attacked by a deer that followed her into her home. The woman was bringing groceries into her Woodland Park, Colorado, home when a mature doe came in through a propped open door. The doe began eating food in the kitchen while the woman tried to get it back outside. 

The woman threw objects at the animal’s hooves to try to scare it, but to no avail. When the she turned around, the doe stood up on its hind legs and began scraping the woman’s back with its hooves. She suffered from scratches, cuts and bruises. 

The woman was able to remain on her feet and get the deer outside. However, the deer got back in while the woman was removing the prop on the door. She was finally able to get the deer outside using a mop.

A Colorado Parks and Wildlife officer was called to the woman’s home, but the deer had already left. On Wednesday morning, the officer returned to her home after she warned him the deer would come back because the neighbors fed it, which violates state law.

“This is another dangerous example of what happens when people feed wildlife,” said Cody Wigner, CPW assistant area wildlife manager for the Pikes Peak region. “They become habituated to people, lose their fear and become aggressive and dangerous.”

The officer who responded to the attack found the deer on Wednesday and humanely euthanized it. Officials say the incident is under investigation.

Read the original article here

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