What? Huh? What Did You Say? Hearing is Believing!

When you're hunting or at the range, using hearing protection is a good idea.
When you’re hunting or at the range, using hearing protection is a good idea.

What? Huh? What did you say? Can you please repeat that? Did you say something? Come again? Are you talking to me? Did he say something?

I’m sure witnessing me and my older buddies carrying on a conversation at the local feedmill or around the campfire is genuine comedy to those fortunate enough to enjoy our over-the-top shouting matches. Now, mind, you, these shouting matches have nothing to do with arguing or heated discourse of any kind, but rather our heartfelt attempt to actually have meaningful and effective communications sharing our hunting stories and the many quality things in our lives.

By Ted Nugent

Unfortunately, whether a lifetime shooter, louder than hell guitarslammer or a double Ma Deuce tailgunner over the Mekong Delta, those of us exposed to dangerous decibel levels over extended periods of time and even complete lifetimes are increasingly paying the price of serious hearing loss in our later years.

My high end frequency deafness began as early as my younger days as I approached my 30th birthday. Thank God I was at least smart enough to wear earplugs in my right ear when performing my insanely loud rock-n-roll in my late teens. I played so damn loud it really hurt so I immediately improvised, adapted and overcame by protecting my ear most exposed to my wall of screaming speaker cabinets.

Sadly, for a lifetime of enjoying nonstop shooting of every imaginable firearm, I failed miserably at taking the necessary steps to put on hearing protectors ’til rather late in the game.

When Ted's out shooting and hunting, Walker's Game Ear muffs amplify sounds yet protect his ears from unwanted loud noises.
When Ted’s out shooting and hunting, Walker’s Game Ear muffs amplify sounds yet protect his ears from unwanted loud noises.

I won’t even bore you all with the difficulties I have with adequately deciphering the spoken word in average social settings. But when it comes to my essential need to hear the soul cleansing sounds of my precious wild and her miraculous earthtones, I knew I had to take whatever drastic measures necessary to get the full, delicious impact of Ma Nature’s subtle callings.

Failing to hear certain subtle sounds when drawing my bow dramatically reduced my stealth capabilities at that magic moment of truth when drawing down on a hard-earned strapper, far too often spooking my target animal with sounds I was totally unaware of.

It wasn’t until I recruited my children to help me identify game spooking squeaks and grinds did I finally overcome this otherwise insurmountable, and quite honestly, self-inflicted rookie shortcoming.

Now whenever tuning my bows for maximum kill-mode, I wear a pair of Walker’s Game Ears protector/amplifiers that allow me to hear everything my dogs can hear, and most importantly, everything those mighty elusive whitetails can hear.

An equally gratifying benefit from my Walker’s Game Ears is the always spellbinding symphony of songbird jamming that occurs on every hunt. Birdsong is one of my favorite things in life.

It’s critical to hear the gentle footfalls of approaching critters, but just as wonderful is the chirping, peeping, singing, whistling, warbling sounds of the always present birdlife that represents an enormous and powerful aspect of my hunting and outdoor lifestyle.

Take Care of Yourself
If you suspect that your hearing isn’t quite what it used to be, do indeed invest in the amazing sound enhancing technology that exists in the sporting goods world out here today that will most certainly increase the overall joys of your outdoor experiences.

And of course never forget that none of us should ever touch off a firearm or let anyone with us ever do so before protecting our precious and fragile sense of hearing.

As reasoning human predators, we are sorely shortchanged in the sensual radar department compared to our beloved prey critters. Like optics and rangefinders that help our wimpy people eyeballs, enhancing our hearing will at least bring us a little closer to heading in the right direction of a somewhat level playing field with the beasts of our dreams.

So take it from over-rocked deafboy: Protect those ears and increase your overall sensual stimuli.

Gordy Hubbard was an avid conservationist and outdoorsman.
Gordy Hubbard was an avid conservationist and outdoorsman.

On a final and difficult note this 87th deeranddeerhunting.com NugeBlog, it is with a broken heart I ask for your prayers for family and friends of a fallen hardcore, worldclass deerhunting BloodBrother, Gordy Hubbard.

Gordy was a lifelong addicted bowhunter and earned a special reputation at Schupbach’s Sporting Goods in Jackson, Michigan, as the Go To guy for allthings archery, deer and deerhunting and just plain old goodwill and positive energy. I could toss Gordy a brand new bow right out of the box and not say a word, come back in an hour and it would shoot dead on, flawlessly, papertuned and accurate as a laser guided missile, no adjustments needed.

I spoke to Gordy just last week and we shared some eternally powerful good old Fred Bear Michigan BloodBrother Mystical Flight of the Arrow campfire good-bye memories. He told me to carryon promoting, celebrating and sharing this greatest of sporting, conservationist lifestyles, and to never back down, never give up, never give in, never surrender.

So Gordy, I gave you my word, as I did to Fred Bear, Bob Munger, Ed Bilerback, Dick Lattimer, Tom Jennings and so many other BloodBrothers, and you can be sure I will indeed carryon.

In the wind, he’s still alive. Godspeed my friend. See you in the big hunt before too long.

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website here for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows in 2015, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


Maximize Your Deer Season Planning With the 2015 Whitetails Wall Calendar!

Click the calendar to learn more ...

From Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2015 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2015 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

The calendar features amazing whitetail deer photography, capturing deer in all the seasons and providing deer activity charts so you can plan your hunt. It’s not only the most useful calendar you’ll own, but quite possibly the ultimate gift for any deer hunter!

With the 2015 DDH Whitetails Wall Calendar you’ll learn:

  • When the seeking, chasing and tending phases of the rut will occur for North & South
  • Predicted dates of Major & Minor deer activity in 2015
  • Daily 2015 Moon-phase data
  • Peak rut activity for the 2015 season
  • When to plan your vacation around the 2015 whitetail rut

Get this amazing resource now and start plotting your hunting season!


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