I decided to learn how to hunt as an adult. I didn’t grow up in a hunting or shooting family and for the most part stayed on the peripheral of my husband’s hunting activities. Then, I started researching the connection between women hunters and local food. Once I started talking to women hunters, I was inspired to learn myself. If you follow this blog or my other writing, you’ll find a detailed account of my past year learning bowhunting and archery. This year, while I’ll continue with my bowhunting and archery pursuits, I also am expanding into bird hunting.
So I am a bit flabbergasted at Wisconsin’s new blaze pink initiative that has been making waves among hunters – and women hunters. As someone new to the sport, I can say that the clothing had nothing to do with me getting out there. Because I believe learning how to hunt and bowhunt is an incredibly empowering experience – and one I am passing along to my daughter as she learns beside me – I find that the whole “surely blaze pink will make more women want to hunt” demeaning and rather insulting. (And I’m not going to even address the rationale behind wearing blaze orange and safety.)
Those who want to hunt will hunt; those who don’t, won’t. Ask any female hunter why she hunts and she may give you a variety of reasons. Some may tell you that it is an empowering skill to learn, a way to control where her family’s food comes from, a great way to spend time with family and friends — and that it’s fun!
I think that there should be an effort behind recruiting more for the reasons above rather than focusing on this silly fashion-based, somewhat sexist idea. Perhaps a better way to increase interest would be to create more events and opportunities for women to learn about hunting and outdoor skills. And personally, as a female hunter, I’d like to see our clothing accented in a color other than pink.
New to bowhunting? Check out my “Beginner’s Guide to Archery: For Women” DVD available at HERE.