Locavore Blog: Year in Review

It’s amazing how much change can happen in only a year. Just look at me – I am the perfect example. A year ago today I was sized up for my first compound bow. I remember how excited and nervous I was to head out to the archery shop, having zero idea what to expect once I got there. Luckily, I found a really great archery expert in Jim Despart of Flying Arrow Sports and after being sized up, he gave me my first archery lesson, which gave me the confidence I needed to get started in archery and in bow hunting.

jim_despartHaving just wrapped up my first bow season EVER, I find that I am much more appreciative of the outdoors, hunting, and wildlife and feel more passionate than ever that this is the right path for me. I truly believe that wild food is a major part of the local food discussion and is a gateway to understanding the full circle of field to plate.

Over the course of the year, I honed my archery skills and introduced archery as sport for my six year old daughter, who enjoys practicing beside me. That alone means so much to me, especially since I wasn’t exactly the outdoorsy individual when I was younger.

IMG_7159 (400x267)While I’ve documented my journey here at Deer & Deer Hunting, I also used my new-found knowledge to create a DVD with the help of my media savvy husband, Jason, that provides the basics for others interested in learning archery and bow hunting. As someone who decided to learn as an adult, it can be intimidating. I hope that this DVD helps alleviate any apprehension – if I can do it, so can you.

“The Beginner’s Guide to Archery: For Women” incorporates the fundamentals of archery and bow hunting while also covering important topics like safety considerations and scent control. I brought in expert Bryce Towsley to help out with scent control since he is incredibly knowledgeable on the subject as well as one of the top hunting writers and competitive shooters in the industry.

DVD 002 (400x267)If you had asked me five years ago if I would be living in a remote rural location, spending hours in my tree stand, learning how to bow hunt, I would have laughed. But our switch from city life to country living was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made and one that we wish we had made earlier. As 2014 winds down, there are a lot of experiences awaiting me in 2015. We plan to raise meat birds for the first time, increase our garden, clear more brush for food plots, and scout new areas for deer hunting.IMG_6231 (267x400)I realize how lucky I am to be living here, feeling satisfaction in my days as my family and I now reap the benefit of the day’s work, and our self sufficiency only increases as new skills are learned and mastered. It’s something that I am thankful for each and every day.

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Interested in Archery? Check out Kristen Schmidt’s Video and Join the Fun!

Born and raised in metropolitan Detroit, Kristen Schmitt never thought she’d move away from everything she knew. But a conscious decision to re-evaluate priorities led her and her family to leave the city and move to the country where they could spend more time together, away from the hectic nature of city life. Her decision to pursue archery and bowhunting came after the move – and after talking with numerous women already involved with the sport. Inspired by their drive and confidence, Kristen picked up a bow for the first time a year ago and hasn’t looked back.

In Beginner’s Guide to Archery: For Women you’ll find:

  • An overview of the essential archery equipment and gear you’ll need to get started
  • Instruction on archery fundamentals
  • Coverage of essential hunting topics like scent control, safety, wild food vs. local food, and more
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