A very Merry Christmas to everyone around the world on this very special day. Not just to my fellow deerhunting BloodBrothers in North America, but to all my fellow human beings no matter where you are from. Peace and goodwill toward man isn’t just a Yuletide thing for me, but in the Nugent family and literally with everybody we know, work with, hang with, hunt with and communicate with, it is our standard modus operendi all year long.
By Ted Nugent
I suppose the fact that not a day goes by that I fail to have contact with hunters brings me unlimited evidence that my fellow man is a supremely good, loving, kind, giving, caring, thoughtful being, and the abundance of goodwill and decency that is emphasized during the holidays is rather matter of fact throughout the year for us. And don’t think I don’t appreciate and celebrate that every day of my life.
We don’t have the traditional giftwrap orgy under the tree like we did when I was a kid, focusing rather on the ultimate gift of quality time together instead of material goods. Shemane and I hug and kiss everyday no matter what, eat together as often as possible, and try our very best to do as many things together at every opportunity.
With my kids scattered across the hinterland, I at least text or call them often, and make certain they know they are loved and that we are here for them always no matter what.
I gave very special gifts to everyone in the form of freshly killed venison, animal skins, antlers, skulls, animal parts jewelry and various organic nick-nacks.
I’m kind of like a wildlife Santa Clause!
I assure you, these gifts of wildlife conservation are appreciated more than store bought goodies.
And the hunt continues!
In order to maximize the Christmas morning splendor with Mrs. Nugent over a nice breakfast with hot coffee by the roaring fireplace here at our lovely home in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, I usually don’t deerhunt on Christmas morning much anymore, but I do get out into a treestand in the early afternoon to try to take advantage of some colder December weather that just might get these highly educated, maniacally spooky deer to show up for a change!
Getting skunked is so not in the Christmas spirit!
It would be such a wonderful Christmas gift if a nice buck or doe would wander close to my ambush site for the ultimate package to open on this day of days!
God knows I sure won’t give up trying.
It has been a spirit tingling, wonderful deerseason so far, but I do have a whole bunch of tags still throbbing in my pocket, and the long Texas deerseason is just what the good backstrap Dr. Ordered for this old deerhunting addicted guitarplayer. I’ve got till February 28th to fill as many tags as I can, and God willing, I will bring perfect balance to our stunning wildlife habitat right here on our home hunting grounds.
You see, way back when I was a young man, I gave myself the ultimate quality of life gift by masterfully prioritizing my time and energy to make certain I lived right smack dab on the best hunting grounds I could find. I’ve been able to walk to my favorite treestands right out the front door of my homes for more than 40 glorious years now, so I don’t need, want, nor expect any gifts from anybody that could hold a candle to the greatest gift on earth-killer deerhunting on your own wildlife infested homegrounds.
Oh Hallelujah and pass the garlic and butter baby!
So Merry Christmas to you all, and I will see you here in a brand new year on January 1st, 2015 to wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Start planning now to prioritize time and schedules for another ultimate gift from God of another year of deerhunting in order to maximize our sacred time afield in pursuit of God’s greatest gift, the mighty deer of the world!
See you all here next year! Backstraps forever!
For more of Ted’s updates, music, 2015 tour dates and news, visit www.TedNugent.com
From the pre-rut and why things happen to the post-rut and what is going on with bucks at that time, you’ll gain invaluable insight from top hunters and researchers with the Deer & Deer Hunting Guide to Hunting the Rut. Pick up a copy today and you’ll be a better hunter.
Wow, nice buck!