Greetings once again my deeranddeerhunting.com NugeBlog BloodBrothers. Oh my but has the old guitar player been a very busy, busy elder bowhunter this past week. Much outrageous excitement has transpired since we last met here at this electronic campfire, and I have the backstraps to prove it!
By Ted Nugent
I am once again flying high more than 30,000 feet up over the American heartland as I type this, my two exhausted Labradors Happy and Gonzo sound asleep on the floor of our Pilatus airplane, (no TSA silliness for me thank you) after a week of bird hunting and in South Dakota and Nebraska.
I lucked a fine arrow into a huge old fat Nebraska whitetail doe with my good friend Bruce Cull of Dakota Archery and Sports in Yankton, South Dakota, and once again met the greatest people in the whole wide world at our 25th annual Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids charity event.
One hundred bright eyed and bushytailed youngsters from the ages 7 to 17 celebrated this wonderful charity event with their parents and grandparents, and an army of amazing, loving volunteers who guided them straight down the ultimate True North path in life.
On the incredible National Field Archery Association world class Olympic range, the kids learned all about the mystical flight of the arrow, the aim small miss small discipline of safe firearm’s and slingshot fun, the critical conservation of trapping, basic 1st aid, the art of duck hunting, calling and decoying and myriad lessons in conscientious individualism and teamwork.
Dedicated gungho volunteers from the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks, the South Dakota Highway Patrol and just wonderful, caring people from every imaginable walk of life gave immeasurable time and energy to make this another very special day for some very special kids and their families.
Godbless and thank you all for all you do.

I was able to sneak into an old cottonwood tree to try to ambush a whitetail during this new early Nebraska deer season that kicked off September 1st this year. A huge Nuge SALUTE to Nebraska Parks and Wildlife for this win-win upgrade providing increased family hours of recreation, increases opportunities for new hunters to experience the milder early season weather, and of course the increased opportunity to get the deer population under control in some of these high density agriculture regions where too many deer can become a liability instead of an asset overnight.
On my 3rd morning, I got lucky when one of the many big old does wandered close enough to me, and my Mathews sent a Muzzy tipped GoldTip Nuge arrow clean through the everloving pumpstation of the old she-deer for a quick kill and short death run.
Dear Lord, I love this bowhunting now more than ever and thank God everyday for this phenomenal bowhunting lifestyle.
Besides the nonstop flurry of mourning doves dive bombing in and out of the hemp ditches, we enjoyed a day of pheasant hunting with Jim Swanson and his wonderful family at the Swanson Hunting Acres preserve in Niobrara, Neb., and watching Happy and Gonzo do their God designed jobs finding, flushing and retrieving birds was once again one of life’s greatest joys for this old shotgunner.
We ate sautéed pheasant livers and hearts that evening as the ultimate reward for a fine day afield.
After what can only be described as a magical Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids day on Sunday Sept. 14, Spirit of the Wild VidCamDude Kris Helms and I were picked up by Carol Mauch for a lovely drive to Ainsworth, Neb. We drove through God’s country and ended up in a spectacular wilderness setting where the legendary Plum Creek cabin is nestled in the rolling big timber sand hills of this game rich wildlife heaven.
We were the guests of Dick and Carol Mauch, surrounded by the titillating and mesmerizing memories and memorabilia of bowhunting’s greatest names.
I will give you the awesome details of how we walked the sacred grounds of Fred Bear, Glenn St Charles, Ed Bilderback, Gail Martin, Fred Asbel, MR James, KK Knickerbocker, Bob Munger, Ben Lee and so many founding fathers and masters of our bowhunting heritage and lifestyle. What an amazing and soul stirring experience it was with these two wonderful bowhunting legends.

I’ve been getting nonstop texts from hunting buddies around the world, and got this great photo of Texas’ BloodBrother Razor Dobbs and his 1st African Cape Buffalo bowkill. Having experienced this spine tingling, adrenalin tsunami hunting thrill many times myself, I could certainly relate to Razor’s wild-eyed story of his Black Death adventure. Razor killed this trophy of a lifetime with his Mathews bow and his signature Razor Dobbs’ Black Death broadhead. CongratSalute to one of the best and hardest working hunters I know.
It is certainly full on in the air now isn’t it my friends! The days are getting shorter, the nights and mornings a bit cooler, bucks are rubbing off their velvet lickety-split, and our beloved magical hunting season is here, right now.
Arrows are flinging, backstraps are being carved, and the sacred SpiritFire is burning hot in BloodBrother camps all across America.
Never forget why we hunt, never forget that we are doing God’s work, harvesting His sacred annual bounty, and never forget that the eyes of the world are upon us. Take extra time for quality photos with our kills to share with everyone we know. Take extra time to write that positive celebratory hunting season letter to the editor of your regional newspaper, rejoicing in the perfection of God’s natural tooth, fang and claw, sustain yield Thanksgiving season. Promote our beloved lifestyle far and wide with stories of our generous Hunters for the Hungry charity programs. Emphasize the imperative of balancing the herds before the onset of winter. Share the spirit and share the bounty. Aim small miss small, stalk slow and stealthy, and dedicate ourselves to enjoy the best hunting season of our lives.
Godspeed deerhunters wherever you are.
See you on my Facebook and at tednugent.com. Live it up, hunt like you mean it!
Deal of the Day: Massively Monstrous Clearance in ShopDeerHunting.com
What are you waiting on? Get on over to ShopDeerHunting.com for one of the biggest hunting sales ever. Monster discounts on items like Smokey’s Preorbital and Interdigital deer lures, DDH-branded caps, Weston Products for the kitchen and deer camp … just an unreal amount of cool stuff! Go check it out now before your season begins and be ready to hunt.