Food Fun Friday: Blogland

So as you might have noticed, the Deer & Deer Hunting site has turned to blogs for a lot of its fresh content, including this one. I think we have some great information for any category of hunter with insights from our editor in chief and deer expert Dan Schmidt, our gear review blog, the everything-whitetail rubline blog, our hunting gear bargain blogger and this space. But the web is full of great bloggers and if you’re looking for more insightful content from ethical hunter/gatherer types, I suggest checking out these great blogs:

A Mindful Carnivore is where you can find vegan-turned-hunter Tovar Cerulli’s thoughtful posts on wildlife consumption, hunting and conservation.

Hank Shaw’s Hunter Angler Gardener Cook is more for gastro-geeks. It features some of the best wild game recipes you will ever see. But it is also has some invaluable resources for beginning hunters. Experienced hunters will also find themselves learning a pile about other wild edibles they commonly pass in the woods.

Chef and author Georgia Pellegrini takes a similar approach, but from a girl hunter’s perspective. Again, if you’re into cooking what you kill, you have to check out her recipe section.

For women who want more hunting info and a little less high-end cooking (though she has some good recipes, too … notice a theme here?), Holly A. Heyser’s NorCal Cazadora is a great read. Guys will find some good info, too. She has some amazing insights on hunting’s place in a green society.

Another 21st Century forager can be found at Langdon Cook’s Fat of the Land. Again, there’s more food in the wild than just venison.

Al Cambrone, who penned F+W Media’s Gut It Cut It Cook It venison book blogs on whitetails, venison consumption and wildlife at his blog Deerland.

A couple others worth checking out are Hunter & Quarry and the Bumbling Bushman.

Yep. There goes your Friday afternoon.

reading the computer

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2 thoughts on “Food Fun Friday: Blogland

  1. Same here, Jake!

    Interesting photo, there. So that’s what it takes to blend in at the D&DH HQ… I bet you also have fairly lenient policies about guns, bows, and knives in the workplace. Must be a fun place to work!

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