Let The Pre-Rut Begin

Pre-rut is upon us once again as the landscape is changing rapidly. Deer movement and sign has become more evident in the traditional locations here in North-Central Iowa where I hunt, as the evidence of many scrapes is obvious as I completed my last quick check of stands before I begin hitting it hard. I have been giving my Nikon’s a workout on my evening glassing sessions, and I am beginning to witness more and more bucks each night.Although most of them are smaller bucks, I have witnessed several of them bumping does around and it seems that they are as anxious as we are for the rut. I can’t wait to try and put a 2nd notch in my Elite with a nice mature buck this weekend. There have been some nice deer taken in the area as I have had few early season bucks trickle into me here at Twin Creek Taxidermy. I can always tell when the rut is strong each year, because it seems like my skinning knife never gets a rest. Lets hope that everyone has a banner year and takes a nice trophy! Good luck to everyone this week.

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