Hunters have long talked of ‘culling’ whitetails. But is this theory that culling can impact antler genetics fact or fiction?
Tag: cull bucks
The Reality of Cull Bucks | Deer & Deer Hunting TV
Dan Schmidt sits down with whitetail expert Dr. Stephen S. Ditchkoff and gets his take on whether or not the cull buck exists, scientifically speaking.
The Truth About Cull Bucks and Antler Genetics
What effect does removing cull bucks have on the antler growth of future generations of deer? An Auburn University study found valuable insights.
Three Key Building Blocks for Better Whitetail Antlers
It’s no secret: age, nutrition and genetics always are the critical factors that can determine how big a whitetail buck’s antlers will grow.
Culling Bucks: Does It Really Work?
Man has always strived to be the best at what he does, and this same attitude applies to deer hunting, and more importantly, deer management. As a consequence of sportsmen’s insatiable desire to pursue larger-racked bucks and managers’ willingness to satisfy their requests, a variety of techniques have been tested to augment the size of […]
The Culling Myth Exposed
Many private-land deer managers across North America encourage their hunters to weed out small-antlered yearling bucks. Can this practice actually improve a herd’s antler quality?