They’re hyped as a great way to help drivers on roads, but how effective are deer whistles to avoid vehicle collisions and do they really work?

They’re hyped as a great way to help drivers on roads, but how effective are deer whistles to avoid vehicle collisions and do they really work?
Those of us who diligently monitor our hunting grounds, both private and public, should establish a good rapport with our regional game departments, regularly communicating our observations and concerns in order to assist them in making informed season and harvest decisions.
The number of buck and antlerless deer tags available is always a complex balance in herd management, and this experienced deer biologist sheds some light on many of the factors involved.
The notion of influencing antler genetics in wild, free-range deer by removing bucks with antlers deemed inferior by some standards has been around for years. But, the research findings on the subject may surprise many hunters.
What can you do in the stand to make yourself less visible to deer? Find out in this episode of Deer Talk Now as Daniel Schmidt explains what white-tailed deer actually see and how you can hunt more effectively.
As a hunter, what should you do if a deer you’re sizing up stops and begins stamping? Act quickly and decisively, because the jig is up!
Often misidentified, those ugly growths called seromas are more of an eyesore than a serious health problem for deer — or hunters.
We cover the best techniques for what to do on various bad shots to offer the maximum odds of retrieval. In this episode, Steve Bartylla suffers a miss in Missouri, and we examine other misses on camera.
You shoot a deer during the hunting season. You think your shot is a little off — gut shot, liver shot, but how can you tell? Daniel Schmidt goes into the science of deer anatomy to help you learn a little about what’s inside a whitetail. Plus, SEVR Broadheads are new, deadly and as hardcore as it gets on today’s Product Spotlight.
There is a battle over chronic wasting disease taking place in the world of scientific deer management. Some are convinced that the battle is over, others argue that things aren’t that simple.