For hunters still looking to fill a tag or add some does to the freezer, the late season continues to offer the opportunity to fulfill your goals. To help you battle the colder temperatures and inclement weather, TenPoint Crossbows pro staffer Ted Poper offers up a few of his time-tested strategies for late season hunting in areas with more pressure than most.
— Hunt near the edge of bedding areas.
— Prior to the hunt, rake the leaves leading to your tree stand or blind so you can enter as quiet as possible.
— In areas with hunting pressure, stay away from deer calls – you need to be in total stealth mode!
— In cold temperatures, surround your ground blind with leaves and branches to make it less conspicuous.
—When hunting from a ground blind, leave open only your shooting window to contain your scent.
— For morning hunts, arrive at your stand at least one hour before daylight. It’s better to be in an hour early, than be in one minute too late.
— Dress appropriate for the weather. Your sits may be much longer this time of year as you wait to see some activity.
— Always use caution to your best friend (or worst enemy!), the wind.
Stay Safe and Hunt Longer This Season!
Are you familiar with the safety precautions that need to be put in place in order to ensure proper tree stand placement and usage? If the answer is “no,” or you feel like you need to brush up on your tree stand safety skills, then the Tree Stand Safety Resource Kit is for you. Containing three prime resources regarding tree stand safety, this collection will ensure you’re well on your way to avoiding as much danger as possible while installing, climbing or descending from, or using a tree stand. Begin with Treestand Safety and Placement, and learn the proper method for hanging a stand. You’ll also get placement advice for the best hunting.