Dan Schmidt answers six hot-topic questions from our listeners in today’s podcast.
Dan Schmidt answers six hot-topic questions from our listeners in today’s podcast.
If you want to bag your target buck next season, here’s what you should be doing right now and why these steps are important.
We bet you will be surprised at the states where guys and gals are already drawing down on deer and releasing arrows! Here’s our Top 5 list.
Television, print, social media and digital online media outlets have been around for decades, and in the hunting community they are more popular than ever. However, a common complaint among everyday hunters is that “media has ruined hunting for the average guy.” True or false? I may be too close to the situation, having worked […]
Steve Bartylla lists the best stands to hunt and when as whitetail patterns shift from opening day to season close.
What should hunters do in September as the bucks begin to transition into their fall food sources? Find out in this episode.
Need a food source that will last all season? You can stop browsing the aisles.
As the seasons change, deer need different types of food and cover. Steve Bartylla describes what they are so you can set up successful stands.
We’ve rounded up your photos of last season’s harvests and each week we will be highlighting a state A–Z, and then onto Canada!
It is hard to believe that in only a matter of weeks summer vacation will be officially over and my daughter will be back in school. While the days have mostly been sunny and warm, the mornings are crisp and hint at a change in temperature just over the horizon. I’ve been focusing on preserving […]