Wildlife Research Center’s Golden Doe and Golden Estrus scents get even better with their easy-to-use, no-mess spray bottles.

Wildlife Research Center’s Golden Doe and Golden Estrus scents get even better with their easy-to-use, no-mess spray bottles.
It’s that time of year to do some serious scouting! Remember that scouting practices also have regulations. Here are some to keep in mind.
Which states ban deer urine? The list changes periodically, but these are the current regulations in the U.S.
A CWD test for urine-based scents ensures these product are CWD free. Look for the logo idicating a tested product.
Archery hunters statewide may be banned from using natural deer urine or synthetic versions as early as the 2020 season.
States like Minnesota and Pennsylvania have implemented bans on the use of urine-based scents in chronic wasting disease (CWD) management zones.
The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission is considering new rules that include a ban on the use of urine-based scents, an important tradition and tool for hunters.
States that have banned the use of deer urine by hunters are using faulty political motives, not sound science, according to one of North America’s top microbiologists. Dr. Davin M. Henderson from the Prion Research Center, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology at Colorado State University said today that banning urine-based scents is “simply not […]
There are no easy answers with CWD. We, the deer hunting community, need to take the disease seriously, and our state and national leaders need to to sharpen strategies, grow broader shoulders and stop messing around with superfluous “solutions” such as urine bans.
Mature whitetails are secretive, nocturnal creatures. Fortunately, you can break them of that “annoying” habit with this simple strategy. There seems to be three styles of deer hunters—those who hunt over food sources and take whatever comes their way, those who hunt the transitional routes between feeding and bedding areas and take whatever comes their way, […]