Get doe management tips that will lead to better buck hunting and a healthier herd in this latest podcast.
Tag: doe
Is it Time to Stop Shooting Does?
In some parts of the country, deer numbers are declining. Should we consider a ceasefire on antlerless deer? The answer is yes, no and maybe.
The Female Society | Deer & Deer Hunting TV
Editor-in-Chief Dan Schmidt unravels the social structure of the whitetail doe community. Meanwhile, already tagged out on a big buck in Texas, outdoor writer Brad Fenson turns his sights to mature does.
Learn the true definition of deer that appear to be both male and female. Dan Schmidt explains what researchers have learned about these odd whitetails.
The Doe Dilemma | Deer & Deer Hunting TV
Everybody is always fighting about does. Should you shoot them? Should you not? Well, the team explains why you’re all probably right and wrong.
Does Can Control a Fawn’s Gender, Here’s How | Land of Whitetail
Females have the ability to control the sex of their offspring, and there are two hypotheses as to when a doe will have a male or female fawn.
D+DH Superfans: Mississippi and Missouri
We’re highlighting our D+DH fans from Mississippi and Missouri. Check out what all went down!
Every Arrow
I can see every arrow I’ve ever loosed. I see the arc, I see the shaft flying, I see the glowing nock cutting the airspace. To me, forever, every arrow is the most important arrow. Every hunt is the most celebrated hunt.
Special Golden Estrus: 30 Years an Industry Insider
Originally Special Golden Estrus was only available as a special favor to a select few industry insiders. It’s been 30 years now this amazing product was made public.
Woman Attacked by Deer That Followed Her Home
A woman, 77, was attacked by a deer that followed her into her home as she was bringing in groceries.