Editor-in-Chief Dan Schmidt returns to his roots of shooting what makes him happy and explains why you should have no apologies for doing the exact same thing.

Editor-in-Chief Dan Schmidt returns to his roots of shooting what makes him happy and explains why you should have no apologies for doing the exact same thing.
The silly tradition of my father’s generation to not utter the words I love you should be a thing of the past, for if we truly wish to make the world go round and bring happiness into those lives we care about, we should never hesitate to express such powerful, supportive, strengthening, sincere human emotion to everyone in our lives.
If you truly want to meet a strong, well-grounded, truly independent, tuned-in, rugged individual, I give you the American hunter. If any specific demographic in America best represents the traditional American family values of God, family, country, freedom, work ethic, and law and order, it would be the licensed hunting families of this great nation.
Nothing screams such American independence and rugged individualism quite like the hunting lifestyle, and it could very well end up being upon us to make the precarious quality of life upgrade in these trying times.
The world could use a huge dose of soul-cleansing simplicity right about now, and we who know it and live it hold the answer to all that ails our fellow man. The simple things remain the most important things. Let us strive to keep it that way.
Certainly, our next hunt is all important, but one thing I’ve learned over 65-plus deer seasons, we don’t always kill a deer, but we do always bring home wonderful memories of some of the best times life has to offer. Many deer will get away from us each season. Do not let any of the memories get away from you!
It is at this time I wish to humbly take a bended knee and genuflect at the altar of the immeasurable goodwill and positive spirit from my fellow hunting families around the world, and with much deep emotion, express my very sincere thanks to everyone who reaches out to me with extremely generous and very tempting invitations to join you all on so many wonderful hunts and spirit campfires across the land.
The toxic ingredients that made 2020 so bad are tragically still with us as we zoom into 2021. My recommendation is to learn from what works best to mitigate the bad stuff and cleverly pursue that which maximizes the good stuff. Good luck, Godspeed, Happy New Year and good hunting forever.
Could there be a more peaceful, spiritual evening than the night before Christmas, the magic of Christmas Eve? With just one week left in the crazy year 2020, it could be more important now than ever to get back in the wild, where all is good, all is silent, all is calm, all is bright in an otherwise dark year.
I wish to sincerely thank everyone who have so blessed me and fortified me with their inspiring communications and positive energy all these years, and want you all to know how much I dearly appreciate such a connection. Lucky, lucky me to have such a huge, wonderful hunting tribe!