If you’re trying to spot sheds this winter, remember this advice from Dan Schmidt to make finding them a little easier!

If you’re trying to spot sheds this winter, remember this advice from Dan Schmidt to make finding them a little easier!
Let’s get you on the board and help you get a few shed antlers under your belt.
A post-season search for “white gold” can uncover clues that might make you more effective in the whitetail woods come fall.
Although finding any shed is thrilling, the experience is a little sweeter when you find a shed off a familiar deer.
If you’re going to be doing some serious shed hunting, where you expect to find a bunch of sheds or plan to be walking for several days, here’s what to bring.
Where to look for sheds is a broad topic that varies across whitetail range, depending on what habitat is available. But two things are universal.
There’s no magic gizmo that will help you shoot big bucks. The same can be said for finding shed antlers.
Man’s best friend is also your best friend, especially if you enjoy picking up shed antlers. Think about it, antlers are just bone, albeit the most amazing bone in the animal kingdom. Can you grow a new hunk of bone annually? That bone has appeal to your best friend whether it is a trained antler […]