Alsheimer taught us that there are four basic sounds (with variations) that whitetails make. These were his favorite calls.
Tag: grunt call
When You Should Stop a Deer Within Shooting Range
When should you try to stop a deer within shooting range? Dan Schmidt gives scenarios of when to use a call.
Charles Alsheimer’s 7 Lasting Lessons
Having spent 38 years studying deer behavior on a daily basis, Charles Alsheimer was more than a writer and photographer. He was a true pioneer.
A Deer Came In Grunting, and It Sounded Like This
While hunting in Saskatchewan recently I had a giant doe and her two shaggy donkey yearlings about 30 or 40 yards away when they suddenly looked behind my ground blind. I already had a lynx come padding through so I figured maybe this was going to be a wolf or sasquatch or something from outer […]
The Three Deer Calls You Must Know How to Use
How many times have you heard a story about a guy who walked into the outdoors store, picked out a grunt call from the rack, went hunting and grunted up a buck that walked within shooting range? It may not happen often but it happens. And if absolutely nothing else, it proves that deer are […]