Ethics and Long-Range Shooting: When is a Shot too Far?

This article is an excerpt from… Gun Digest Book of Long-Range Shooting, 2nd Edition Get the most recent advances in guns and gear to extend your range for hunting, informal target shooting, and formal competition. Discover new tools for long-range shooters both in the field and on the firing range, with coverage of new developments […]

Is Concealed Carry Necessary When Deer Hunting?

Deer hunters sometimes wonder whether they should carry a handgun for protection when venturing into public hunting land or when they may be coming out late at night in unfamiliar surroundings. Others carry all the time, no matter what and no matter what their state laws say about guns and hunting. They’d rather be judged […]

Is Someone Lying About This Gun Confiscation Letter?

Surrender your guns, make them inoperable or sell them, but you can’t have them anymore or we’ll come to confiscate them and arrest you! That sounds like something straight out of an Orwell novel, or maybe the oppressive playbook from overlords running Germany in the early 1940s. Right? Supposedly, this paraphrased demand about assault rifles […]