New for 2025, the SlapStrap is the ultimate solution for keeping your lineman’s and tether rope securely positioned on the tree, ensuring your safety and maximizing your efficiency during your climb and hunt.

New for 2025, the SlapStrap is the ultimate solution for keeping your lineman’s and tether rope securely positioned on the tree, ensuring your safety and maximizing your efficiency during your climb and hunt.
The silly tradition of my father’s generation to not utter the words I love you should be a thing of the past, for if we truly wish to make the world go round and bring happiness into those lives we care about, we should never hesitate to express such powerful, supportive, strengthening, sincere human emotion to everyone in our lives.
September is Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month. It’s the month most hunters start heading back to the woods to either put up stands or begin hunting.
In-season scouting is key to staying in the action during the rut, and a mobile treestand setup is a vital tool for that strategy. Here’s a quick rundown of what I’ll be packing onto public land all over Wisconsin this November.
As a land manager and hunter, Steve Bartylla has set up thousands of treestands and he always follows these critical safety rules. For the sake of your health and your loved ones, please do the same.
New bows and crossbows get all of the press, but bowhunters still need quality targets, knives, treestand safety harnesses and scent-reducing accessories. Here’s the top gear that DDH found this year.
Setting up and climbing tree stands is serious business, and no deer is worth the danger of suffering a life-altering fall. Steve has safely set up thousands of stands over the years and lives by these exact safety tips.
Hunter Safety System’s LifeLine kits are simple, easy-to-use tools that keep treestand hunters safe from the moment they step off the ground. Don’t become a tragic statistic. Stay safe and make sure you get home to see your family and friends.
When I first started this project, I really wasn’t aware of all of the necessities you actually needed in order to go outside and hunt. Along with the proper compound bow and arrows, there are other items I started researching — mainly what type of camouflage would work best for my size and stature as […]