After decades of research, Charlie Alsheimer created a formula for the rut phases and the best time to hunt the rut.
Tag: hunting during the rut
Kansas Rut Hunt | DeerTech TV
Kristy Titus has her sights on a big mature buck during the Kansas rut. Will this deer follow the script? Find out in this episode.
Rut Patterns | Understanding Mature Bucks
Some hunters will say you can’t pattern rutting bucks. I’m saying that’s all wrong. Here is how I follow rut patterns.
Master Whitetail Phases | Understanding Mature Bucks
Learn the best places to set up stands throughout the various whitetail phases — from early season to December and beyond.
Whitetail Rut Stress | Understanding Mature Bucks
We repeatedly tout tight buck:doe ratio benefits for hunting, but we next to never address what those tight ratios put those same deer through.
Big Deer Breeding Behavior | Understanding Mature Bucks
Can you pattern a rutting buck? Steve Bartylla explains how to score big bucks during the breeding phase by understanding their movements.