Predicting the King Buck’s Final Score

  by Daniel E. Schmidt The Johnny King Buck is set to be panel scored in Montana tomorrow by the Boone and Crockett Club. What will the panel decide? If you’ve followed this story as closely as we have here at Deer & Deer Hunting, the final score — and the integrity of the process […]

world's biggest whitetail

Should the King Buck Be A World Record? Ousted B&C Scorer Says ‘Yes!’ on Deer Talk Now

Ron Boucher, an official scorer for Boone and Crockett Club for 25 years, will be the special guest on Deer Talk Now today (Wednesday, Sept. 12), and will discuss the potential world record Johnny King Buck, the Boone and Crockett scoring system for prior whitetail records, and much more. How much more? How about exclusive […]

We Tip Our Hats to Boone and Crockett

  “It takes less time to do things right than to explain why you did it wrong.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow   by Daniel E. Schmidt No truer words have ever been spoken. In the wake of tonight’s landmark news that will most likely forever change the annals of deer hunting history, the Boone and […]

Big Bucks: Boone and Crockett Will Score King Buck as Potential New World Record Whitetail

  BREAKING NEWS! Deer and Deer Hunting learned today that the 12-point Johnny King Buck will be called to a special scoring session by the Boone and Crockett Club to determine if the rack is indeed the biggest typical-antlered whitetail ever killed by a North American hunter. If it is, it will unseat the Milo […]

B&C Fires King Buck Measurers

  The Boone and Crockett Club today sent a statement to two of its longest-standing official measurers: You can have an opinion, but we’ll give it to you. Earlier today, Ron Boucher of Vermont and Craig Cousins of Wisconsin learned that they have been permanently relieved of their duties as official B&C scorers. Both men […]

World Record 8-Point Buck Update

As Deer & Deer Hunting reported in early February, this 8-point Illinois buck is believed to be the largest net-score 8-pointer ever killed in North America. Just this week, more photos of the buck began circulating all over the Internet. Here are three of them. According to the Boone and Crockett Club, the buck’s net […]