Fried venison liver takes attention to detail, good preparation and a bit of kitchen work — but when cooked well is a scrumptious meal.

Fried venison liver takes attention to detail, good preparation and a bit of kitchen work — but when cooked well is a scrumptious meal.
Do you agree or disagree with the following rules for gut-shot deer? What would you add? Allow me to preface this conversation by saying this blog post is written mostly for bowhunters — compound, recurve and crossbow — but the general tenants apply to all deer hunters. Who am I to provide these rules? Nobody, […]
From the look on his face, Pedro isn’t too hungry. He’s only eaten half his corn dog and a couple of forkfuls of his green beans. His juice box remains opened, and his daily portion of tater tots are stacked in a neat pyramid on his school-lunch tray. Meanwhile, Napoleon is famished. His gaze darts […]
These are the most common mistakes hunters make when trailing a liver-shot deer. Here’s what to do differently.