By scouting to learn what bucks are in your hunting areas, you can take advantage of their predictability in the early part of the season.

By scouting to learn what bucks are in your hunting areas, you can take advantage of their predictability in the early part of the season.
Every time my wife, Nicole, and I set up a stand in a tree or on the ground, we look for ways to make that location the best it can be. We try to enhance each stand location by making sure there are one or more calling cards available to deer. By Pat Reeve What is […]
Every time my wife, Nicole, and I set up a stand in a tree or on the ground, we look for ways to make that location the best it can be. We try to enhance each stand location by making sure there are one or more calling cards available to deer. By Pat Reeve What is […]
If you want your local deer herd to benefit from a mineral site, now is the time to get one established. According to D&DH contributing editor Matt Harper, in whitetail’s spring and summer, the whitetail’s mineral and vitamin needs spike dramatically. “This is due to the physical condition of the deer,” Harper said. “For example, the antler […]
Heartland Wildlife, makers of industry-leading food plot seeds, minerals, attractants and deer feed, has announced that Lick Magic, a mineral supplement that attracts, grows and keeps big deer on your property, is now available in an 8-pound bag. As the seasons progress, especially when spring transition to summer, sodium levels in deer forage decreases—but the […]
On our DDH Twitter account, @deerhuntingmag, I noticed a tweet from a fellow hunter who had been out in the woods doing some season prep work and fighting with Mother Nature. “Soaked in sweat and bleeding from briers. Come November that set will be worth it.” tweeted Kyle Sheesley (@kjsheesley) who, along with his pal @BrentChappell12, […]
It’s been a whale of a summer here in the Southeast with crushing temperatures and humidity the last five or six weeks. The last time I got in the woods to rumble around it was just stifling, like crawling under a thick blanket in a sauna. But, such is life here and we’re used to […]
Learn more about the best products to use for a deer mineral site, and how to make a mineral site on your hunting property with this informative episode of Deer Talk Now. Deer Talk Now host Dan Schmidt provides tips and tactics for creating a mineral site that whitetails will use throughout the spring, summer […]
Some deer hunters may be taking a break in spring for turkeys and fishing, but others already are thinking about the upcoming deer season and checklist items to take care of. Among those items are mineral licks and camera surveys, and creating a great mineral lick is one of the best ways to help your […]
Many popular beliefs are being dramatically changed through scientific discovery. Even in the deer world, we are continuously finding out that what we thought was fact one day is completely disproved the next. By Matt Harper For example, for many years it was commonly accepted that adult bucks were doing all or most of the […]