Mark Kayser is in Montana as the whitetail rut is dying down. Thankfully for him, his tag is good for whitetail or mule deer.

Mark Kayser is in Montana as the whitetail rut is dying down. Thankfully for him, his tag is good for whitetail or mule deer.
Let’s preface this: We should really call this the 7 toughest states to harvest a whitetail. This has nothing to do with tough terrain, strict regulations, trophy-size bucks or any other arbitrary quantification. For this exercise, we are simply going by how many hunters are trying each year … and how many are actually successful. […]
File this under the “Rome is burning, but you’ll need a few permits (and cash) on hand if you want to do the right and just thing and help put out the fire before it gets out of control” file… Montana just issued a press release today about an “emergency” extension to its deer […]
A new rule allows urine-based scents that are obtained from a deer protection program with rigorous safeguards to be used in the state.
The DDH team experiences a very difficult Montana hunt as they run into the less common, but painfully real, October lockdown.
Mark Kayser is in Montana with a deer tag, but can’t decide if he should chase whitetails or mule deer. He uses his experience to help with the decision.
The Big Sky state is also known for growing big BUCKS.