An extreme environmental and animal-rights organization is pushing for a lead ammo ban on the basis of some really ridiculous claims.

An extreme environmental and animal-rights organization is pushing for a lead ammo ban on the basis of some really ridiculous claims.
An animal-rights group and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are in the midst of settlement discussions over a lawsuit that could take away hunting opportunities.
National wildlife refuges across the country strive to open new public land areas for hunting, and young Zayne was one of the lucky ones to have a chance to hunt on such a parcel last year. For him and his family, it was a fruitful hunt.
Interior Department Secretary Ryan Zinke’s recent proposal could open nearly a quarter-million acres of public hunting land to new or expanded hunting and fishing at 30 National Wildlife Refuges across the United States.
Hunters, anglers and outdoors enthusiasts have millions of acres throughout the United States to enjoy thanks to the National Wildlife Refuge System, and more opportunities may be on the way.