If you want to bag your target buck next season, here’s what you should be doing right now and why these steps are important.
Tag: patterning deer
6 Native Foods Deer Can’t Resist
Want to truly hone in on deer travel patterns? Find, then study these six native food sources where you hunt.
Locate Deer Travel Patterns in an Easy, Unique Way
In today’s Hunt ’em Big, Steve Bartylla explains how watching other animals can help you understand the deer and predators you’re hunting.
Follow the Seasonal Shifts in Whitetails
Steve Bartylla shares what you can expect whitetails to do when the seasons change and how to manage your land.
The Truth About Patterning Whitetails
How well can you really pattern a whitetail? Steve Bartylla shares his experiences from consulting and his own hunting tales in this Grow ‘em Big.
Understand Why Whitetail Patterns Change for Better Hunting Opportunities
Steve Bartylla explains why whitetail patterns change throughout the hunting season and how to keep deer on your property.
How Deer Respond to Hunting Pressure
Research suggests deer have very specific responses to hunting pressure. Understanding this behavior informs hunters on when to be in the woods.
Rut Patterns | Understanding Mature Bucks
Some hunters will say you can’t pattern rutting bucks. I’m saying that’s all wrong. Here is how I follow rut patterns.