These features on a topography map that are great places to look for pressured mature bucks. Find out what you should be looking for in this episode of Hunt ‘em Big.
Tag: pressured bucks
Is He the Best Bowhunter in America?
When it comes to outsmarting mature whitetails on public and highly pressured lands, no one has done it better — or longer — than Michigan’s John Eberhart.
Use Pressure to Your Advantage | Understanding Mature Bucks
Hunting pressured bucks requires a different approach, but what few realize is that we can often also use hunting pressure to our advantage.
Pressure-Cooker Whitetails | Understanding Mature Bucks
Most believe hunting pressure sends deer running, but knowing what they actually typically do may just help fill future deer tags.
When the Hunting Pressure is On: Deer Behavioral Responses to Hunting vs. Sharpshooting
Take a look at how to reduce hunting pressure by diving into how deer respond to controlled hunting versus sharpshooting.
Top 3 Spots for Hunting Public Land Bucks
Public land can be difficult to hunt, no doubt. With the right tools and scouting you can set up on the perfect spot over pressured deer. John explains where to find those spots.
Deer Camp Conversation: Pressure & Deer with Dan and Steve
The Conversation, Part 1 of 3: Pressure and Deer. While in deer camp, Steve Bartylla and Dan Schmidt discuss how hunting pressure affects buck behavior.
Hunting Pressured Bucks Online Course
Pressured bucks can be tough nuts to crack unless you’ve armed yourself with Dan Schmidt’s tactics.
Keys to Hunting Pressured Bucks
Before you declare that a certain buck is unkillable, take stock of all the things that could be affecting his behavior.
How Hunting Influences Flight Behavior
Here’s a look at the science behind how hunting pressure affects deer densities and population dynamics.