What began as a well-intentioned rescue of a mule deer locked in another buck’s antlers, put one man in a bad situation.

What began as a well-intentioned rescue of a mule deer locked in another buck’s antlers, put one man in a bad situation.
Dan Schmidt and David Gilane have a discussion about rut-hunting tactics, such as where to hunt during the rut, how to stop a cruising buck and more.
John Eberhart, who’s harvested 55 record-class bucks, is on the podcast sharing the best days to hunt the rut, how the age structure of does matters, and more.
Using the proven predictions based on the Alsheimer Algorithm, find out the best days to hunt the 2024 whitetail rut.
Explore the dominance hierarchy that emerges as bucks compete for breeding rights. Then, watch Mark Kayser hunt Kansas where he sets his sights on a massive white-tailed buck.
Dan Schmidt and Mark Kayser share insights into the natural behavior of white-tailed bucks, particularly during the rutting season, and how scrapes play into their territorial and mating behaviors.
To consistently score on rutting bucks, you need to identify their main weaknesses.
Host Daniel Schmidt describes the importance of being flexible when it comes to hunting big bucks during the rut.
Find out the best days to hunt the rut this year.
Mark Kayser is in Montana as the whitetail rut is dying down. Thankfully for him, his tag is good for whitetail or mule deer.