Now more than ever, we as hunters must be a force to be reckoned with. It is as simple as voting God, family, country, freedom!

Now more than ever, we as hunters must be a force to be reckoned with. It is as simple as voting God, family, country, freedom!
If ever there were an arena where we-the-people politics is critical and essential, it is in the world of hunting rights and gun rights. Way too many hunters have been in the liability column, standing on the sidelines, failing to engage in the life-and-death culture war against us.
O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc., a leading American firearms manufacturer, announced today its decision to discontinue selling products to Dick’s Sporting Goods, and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, in response to their hiring of gun control lobbyists in April 2018.
NUGEBLOG#60, October 23, 2014?!? Really? #60! Are you kidding me? I’ve written 60 of these little ditties! Seriously? Oh the humanity of it all! So what we have here is the old addicted backstrapper that hunts every day all season long actually has time to write a NUGEBLOG every week? Wow, that’s truly amazing […]