The sight or sound of a snake strikes fear in some folks, whether it’s in plain view or hidden amid leaves or brush by its incredible camouflage. Of all the species of snakes in the United States, the venomous ones most hunters and land managers deal with on a regular basis are well-known: rattlesnake, moccasin […]
Tag: snakes
Watch: Deer Hunter Encounters a Pile of Snakes!
Could you stand this close to a pile of mad rattlesnakes and not get the shakes?
Hunter Survives Shocking Encounter in the Field
OK, seriously now, I’d have gone into cardiac arrest or wet my pants or soiled my britches or all of the above if I’d been the hunter in this video. I mean, dang. Can you imagine? Have you ever had something like this happen to you, or almost happen? I know of hunters who have […]