Steve Bartylla details the exact setup where he bagged his bow buck from where he drives in, his stand location, food sources and where he recovered the deer.
Tag: Stand
The Best Time to Hunt Your Deer Stands
Did you know deer can smell you up to 72 hours AFTER you’ve left the woods? This is why it’s important not to burn out a stand before it gets good.
State to Require Metal ID Plates on Tree Stands
It sounds like a rather silly law, but it all started when some rube decided he could sit in someone else’s tree stand without asking … and then getting all bent out of shape when the owner showed up to hunt and told him to get out. In an overwhelming vote of 34-15 the Iowa […]
Quick Tip: Getting In and Out Undetected
By Steve Bartylla For as much time as we invest in finding the perfect spot to set a stand, few put much effort into determining how they’ll get in and out undetected. Pulling that off is at least as important as being in the best location. Heck, it’s often more important. Before hanging any stand, […]