An urban deer hunt has become a critical source of nourishment for local food pantries and community kitchens.

An urban deer hunt has become a critical source of nourishment for local food pantries and community kitchens.
Nothing about this whitetail adventure seemed normal. It was late March, and the weather was suited more for chasing turkeys than deer. Even more strange, my ambush location was within sight of several homes, a road and municipal buildings. Yep, you guessed it, I was on an urban bowhunt. As commonplace as these types of […]
An urban archery hunt for white-tailed deer in Fort Smith, Ark., will give bowhunters who pass a bowhunter education course more opportunities to go afield during the 2013 season. The Fort Smith area bowhunt is one of several urban hunts offered in Arkansas for resident and nonresident hunters. Bowhunters are expected to help control urban […]