Brad Rucks finds a way to turn a city ag field into a whitetail munchies hotspot with the help of a screening product.

Brad Rucks finds a way to turn a city ag field into a whitetail munchies hotspot with the help of a screening product.
Award-winning outdoor writer, editor and former DDH staff member Alan Clemons joins Dan Schmidt to talk about ridiculous deer hunting regulations that are hindering recruitment and retainment of deer hunters.
Brad Rucks gives all the details on how, when and why you should frost seed your food plots for deer while using Whitetail Institute of North America.
Plant a high-protein perennial food plot with Brad Rucks in this episode of HuntTech.
When to plant a food plot depends on your goals. Plant a food plot to hunt over with Brad Rucks and Whitetail Institute of North America.
Need a food source that will last all season? You can stop browsing the aisles.