Crazy weather didn’t stop the central Wisconsin deer hunting duo of Holly Sherman and her son, Ian, from filling the family’s freezers in back-to-back sits.

Crazy weather didn’t stop the central Wisconsin deer hunting duo of Holly Sherman and her son, Ian, from filling the family’s freezers in back-to-back sits.
The Archery Trade Association has partnered with Izaak Walton League of America to increase youth participation in the outdoors through archery, bowhunting and bowfishing.
A Clemson University graduate student’s research gauging young adults’ interest in hunting suggests that the demographic can play a key role in the future of wildlife conservation.
Ah, summertime and the living is easy, so the song says. So what are you doing this summer to make America great again? I am here to tell you it’s so simple it’s stupid. When “we the people” put our minds to it, nothing is beyond reach. With pleasant weather and the kids getting out […]
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) announced today that Safari Club International (SCI), the nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and the protection of hunters’ rights, will join forces with NSSF’s Project ChildSafe to emphasize the importance of responsible firearm storage. In addition to SCI, the two other branches of the organization have […]
Some of us in this glorious world of deerhunting are just plain lucky, especially those of us so doggone fortunate to have been born into a hunting family from the very beginning of our American outdoors Dream. It was December 13, 1948 when I arrived in Detroit, Michigan. My dad, Warren Henry Nugent was, thank […]
All too often we get caught up in everything about deer hunting, or hunting or fishing, and forget about what it was like when we began all those years ago. Remember that? Remember the anticipation, the excitement, the curiosity? Remember sitting in a blind or stand, or on a stump in a forest, and watching […]
After weeks of controversy about possibly dropping its mentored hunting program, which rankled many veteran hunters and organizations interested in helping get more youth involved in the outdoors, one state wildlife agency reached a compromise of sorts. A decision given preliminary approval Jan. 27 by the Pennsylvania Game Commission will alllow children under age 7 to still […]
Hunters for, well, basically forever have understood one simple thing: to have a future of hunting, you must include young hunters and teach them about the outdoors. Why? Because despite being a cliche, young hunters are the future. As with anything — baseball, cooking, engineering, building houses, whatever — the next generation(s) watch and learn […]
For years, my twin boys have hunted with me. First they went to watch, then later they went to join in the hunt. Most of their deer hunts have been tests of patience, as Tennessee deer hunting can at times be more bird watching and squirrel barking than hunting and shooting. While they had seen […]