Steve Bartylla gives tips on how to get in and out of blinds without spooking deer in this episode of Hunt ‘em Big.

Steve Bartylla gives tips on how to get in and out of blinds without spooking deer in this episode of Hunt ‘em Big.
The original Buck Hut was so popular that our friends at Millennium Treestands decided to make an even bigger blind for 2024.
In today’s HuntTech, Brad Rucks shows how to set up a Maverick 6-Shooter Blind. The blind is easy to assemble and comes in two halves.
Millennium Treestands’ GB-100 Buck Blind offers relief, giving added security to hunters who want their blinds to stay put.
The Millennium Q-250 raises the shooting house to an entirely new level with an elevated shooting enclosure that’s perfect for rifle, crossbow, and compound hunters.
If you’ve had your eye on the Redneck Game Changer Blind, you can save $300 right now during their current sale!
Deer are lazy, and you can use that to your advantage! Check out how Brad Rucks funnels deer right to his Maverick Blinds.
Brad Rucks shows how easy it is to set up the Maverick XL Blind and the benefits this blind provides bowhunters.
Save $300 on the Redneck Game Changer Blind! This blind is the ultimate solution to being able to scan a wide area while hunting with multiple hunters.
Brad Rucks describes the features of this blind plus how it can give you a better shot at a deer in this episode of HuntTech.