Many broadhead manufacturers unveiled new models at the ATA Show, and bowhunters will have a bunch of solid choices for next season. Here’s an inside look at the best new blades for the year.

Many broadhead manufacturers unveiled new models at the ATA Show, and bowhunters will have a bunch of solid choices for next season. Here’s an inside look at the best new blades for the year.
The right arrows can make or break a bowhunting setup and there’s no shortage of choices on the market today. The selection of new hunting arrows at this year’s ATA Show did not disappoint, as the DDH editors found new models across the board.
This new broadhead from Bloodsport Archery combines the penetrating abilities of a fixed-point and the devastating wound channels of an expandable.
Bowhunters want a hard-hitting, sharp and lethal broadhead that powers through hide, bone and vitals to put down deer and game animals. Without that combination it’s going to be tough to get the job done effectively. The new High Voltage broadhead from Bloodsport Archery offers a devastating 2-inch cutting diameter. It is a good choice […]