Top biologists, researchers, wildlife officials and others are gathering in Michigan this week to discuss chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer.

Top biologists, researchers, wildlife officials and others are gathering in Michigan this week to discuss chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer.
Despite their inherent behavioral differences, gray wolves and coyotes share one common dietary interest: white-tailed deer.
It’s a question hunters and land managers face and often discuss when talking about quality deer management: What is the true effect of baiting deer?
While you can’t control what happens on the neighbor’s side of the property fence, you might be able to use his hunting methods to your advantage.
Managing property to improve the quality of deer on it can be hard on the pocket book, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.
Soybeans and the nutritious protein they provide are fantastic food plot plants for white-tailed deer and other wildlife.
Science, politics, management and CWD are among the hottest issues in deer hunting today, with state officials and biologists at the forefront of these.
When the late-season weather gets brutal, nothing is more appealing to hungry whitetails than a patch of standing soybeans. Nothing.
Whitetail deer management can be challenging. Can you produce heavy-racked bucks without knowing precisely how many deer are on your land?