Are you making these seven mistakes when it comes to deer hunting land management? See Steve Bartylla’s tips on managing prime deer dirt.

Are you making these seven mistakes when it comes to deer hunting land management? See Steve Bartylla’s tips on managing prime deer dirt.
When summer is drawing to a close and deer hunting is just on the horizon, velvet-antlered bucks cruise large agricultural fields and discs slice the ground as new fall food plots are sewn. Even the oaks begin to sag from the weight of acorns. The food sources that exist during the opening few weeks of […]
North Texas offers some of the best deer hunting in North America — if you can stand the heat and avoid the creepy crawlers.
Warm season food plots, which are extremely attractive to deer and turkeys, are part of superior management programs for serious hunters.
Planting trees for deer is be a rewarding experience, but getting them through their first summer is the biggest obstacle. Here are some tips for first summer success.
Variety is the spice of life, and if you’re a white-tailed deer, that certainly applies to food. That’s why Chestnut Hill Outdoors, home of the very best food plot tree, the Dunstan Chestnut, provides a large selection of both hard- and soft-mast trees for use in food plots and attracting wildlife. Whitetails and most other […]
Hunters who are eager to know if they’ve been issued an antlerless deer license in Pennsylvania can track the status of their applications online. Antlerless licenses for the 2013-14 season went on sale July 8, and as county treasurers process applications and allocate licenses, the information immediately is updated within the Pennsylvania Automated License System […]